How Believing Self-Care Myths Helped Me Start My Business

After I had my daughter, I struggled with making time for myself because I always felt guilty. I knew that I should do things for my own well-being, but I felt too preoccupied most of the time to prioritize those things. Thinking about it now, I guess I used to believe that self-care was optional. It wasn’t until I was truly depleted that I realized that letting my needs go unmet for too long was not healthy for me or for my family.

I was given advice to incorporate small acts of self-care into my day like taking family walks, making sure I was drinking adequate water, prioritizing sleep and trying daily meditation. I never thought about sleep as self-care and meditation was not really my thing either, but I was desperate to change. It was during this time when I realized how important all aspects of wellness really are, not just the physical aspect that I had focused on most of my life. Once I started implementing some of these things, I began to notice improvements in how I felt. Realizing that self-care doesn’t have to be all or nothing was a huge mindset shift for me and enabled me to take better care of myself so that I could be more present, and well for myself and my family.

After seeing the impact that simple self-care practices had on myself, I decided to start Lavender House with the goal of helping others prioritize self-care and self-love. I believe that all could use more of self-care and self-love in our daily lives and doing so with simple, beneficial products makes it that much easier.


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